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Dandelion Salad with Warm Hazelnut Vinaigrette
Prep Time:
10 minutes
Cooking Time:
5 minutes
4 people

2 large bunches dandelion greens
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup hazelnuts, coarsely chopped
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
Sea salt and pepper to taste

  1. Wash greens, remove stems and chop into 3/4-inch pieces.
  2. Place greens in a large mixing bowl.
  3. Heat oil in a sauté pan on medium.
  4. Add garlic and nuts, stirring constantly for 2 minutes.
  5. Stir in vinegar, salt and pepper.
  6. Pour the hot vinaigrette over the greens and toss well.
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